Ryaner Lead Sales Crm

Project name
Ryaner Lead Sales Crm
Project Type
Closed Source
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Ryaner Lead Sales Crm

Ryaner Lead Sales Crm, a web based system built for our client. Access demo at. https://projects.anomoz.com/ke/ryanerLeadSalesCrm

Email: admin@portal.com
Password: 123


 Ryaner Lead Sales Crm - Anomoz Softwares

 Ryaner Lead Sales Crm - Anomoz Softwares

Modules Description


Interested in having your project built by us? Here is the workflow we usually follow.

Discuss requirements

Once you have a rough sketch of your project requirements in your mind, our team will have a meeting with you to discuss your project requirements in detail.

Sprint Plan

After the requirements are discussed, we will draft a sprint plan which will have all the features planned out for each sprint, along will the approximate budget required for the project.

Project Start

We are ready to start on the project now! During the project development, we will be working alongside with you and providing you regular updates so that your project is built to your needs.


Once the project is built, our team will perform rigorous testing on the system for any bugs.

Project Completion

Now that the project is complete, we are ready to proceed to the next and final step.


For the final step, the project will be deployed to the live server so that you and your customers can starting using your newly built solution

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